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Photorejuvenation Treatment – Turning Back the Clock

Imagine a treatment that slows down the clock on your skin and gives you the fresh, summer-ready look you want. Stop imagining, and keep reading!
Our Photorejuvenation treatment can erase damage done from years past and give your skin new life. Dark spots, sun damage, broken capillaries, fine lines, redness and more can all be addressed with the Sciton BBL. This tool uses Intense Pulsed Light technology, producing a broad spectrum of light in a range of wavelengths to repair and revive your skin. The wavelengths can be adjusted to suit your specific skin type and the results you are looking for. During treatment, collagen production is also stimulated, resulting in smoother, rejuvenated skin.
The best way for us to explain the benefits of this treatment is to show you! After years of feeling self-conscious about unwanted pigmentation, Donna took the plunge and couldn’t have been happier she did. Let Donna’s experience inspire you to take the leap and book the appointment you have been waiting for.
“I am finally getting it done! After years of not wearing dresses and skirts I am finally getting those nasty brown spots on my legs taken care of!! I’m so excited to begin. I look forward to the transformation from looking old to younger once again!”
Her first treatment went very well, with minimal discomfort and an excellent technician experience. After her first treatment, Donna noticed that her skin was tender and hot, but this feeling subsided quickly.
After four treatments, Donna was excited and appreciative.
“Wow! Great results. So happy to have experienced such fantastic results at Urban Laser!! Can’t wait to see even more results after my 5th treatment. Now I can finally wear dresses and skirts without nylons!! I even decided to have my neck done too because I want it to look as good as my chest and face!”
Donna’s final results speak for themselves!
This treatment really can change your life. In an average of 5 treatments, our clients do away with their insecurities and find the confidence they have been missing. To learn more about this treatment, visit our services page.
Book your first appointment online now!
Urban Body Laser
777 Hornby St #860, Vancouver, BC V6Z 2G3
(604) 696-5506