With summer looming, all we seem to think about are beach days and sunset nights. But before we can catch a glimpse of those beautiful rays, there’s one important tool we need before we can step out into the sun: sunscreen.

Even on cloudy days, the sun’s harmful UVA and UVB rays can penetrate the epidermis, causing premature aging and sunspots. That’s why choosing the right sunscreen for your body is so important. But with seemingly endless choices like waterproof or water-resistant, face or body, lotion or mist, not to mention a multitude of different SPF levels, it’s hard to figure out which one to go with. So here’s a tip when you’re in that drugstore wavering between SPF 4 and SPF 60: there’s only one type of sunscreen you should be using. And chances are, it’s not available in the aisle.

Physical Sunscreen
Physical sunscreen, or physical blockers, is a non-toxic substance that uses ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These are natural minerals that have been grounded into fine powders. Physical sunscreen works by deflecting the sun and blocking those harsh UV rays from damaging the body. Try adding some into your moisturizer or foundation to easily incorporate it into your morning ritual and ensure your skin is protected. Being that physical sunscreen is so pure, only a little amount is needed for you to get the right amount of protection.

Chemical Sunscreen
Chemical sunscreens are what you would typically find at the drug store. This type of formula is combined with 12 different chemicals, some of which have not been FDA approved. Chemical sunscreens can produce free radicals that can cause irritation and damage to the skin. They’ve been proven to interfere with hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and thyroid, which have been linked to breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

That’s why our medical estheticians always choose physical sunscreen since it’s a non-toxic, specially formulated product that offers safe protection. We swear by the Sunforgettable line by Colorescience, a skin care collection that’s infused with physical blockers designed to make using sun protection like the Sunforgettable Brush part of your daily routine. Use the Hydrating Spritzer throughout the day to replenish the skin with ingredients with Vitamin E and SPF, particularly before and after spending time in the sun.

We are exposed to the sun all year round; therefore, sun protection is an essential no matter what season you are in. Our medical estheticians are a helpful guide for finding the best products for your skin type, so contact us any time. We’re happy to help!

Mention this post and you’ll receive 50% off your next laser hair removal treatment!

Tattoos are form of personal expression. For many, meaningful imagery permanently transforms the body into a work of art, essentially making your skin a blank canvas. While some argue that tattoos are an addiction, others say it’s merely a passion for beauty and meaning.

However you view tattooing, those with their body fully inked will often tell you that one tattoo usually sparks the desire for another. So whether you have a full sleeve or are thinking it’s time to go under the needle, there are a few things you’ll want to consider beforehand — especially if you’ve always wanted to undergo laser hair removal.

We don’t have to tell you the benefits and ease of never having to shave again (because we list them here!). However, before you get your next tattoo, the hair removal process needs to be completed beforehand. Why? Because if the laser goes over your art work, it causes a very bad burn, followed by scarring and a total loss of colour.

Unfortunately the most common areas of the body that people want laser hair removal also happen to be equally as trendy for tattoos, such as the back, legs, and arms. For guys who want a smooth, tattooed chest, we’re unable to perform a treatment without risking the integrity of your ink and safety of your skin.

Tattoos are not only a financial investment, but also a personal one, so taking care of it is of the utmost importance. For fresh tattoos, use R3 Derma Aloe to reduce redness and swelling and to hydrate, heal and nourish skin.

And now that summer is looming around the corner, make sure to purchase physical sunblock to keep the colour from fading. We love the Sunforgettable SPF50 Retractable Brush, lightweight mineral powder with a barely-there feel that provides a safe, non-irritating, instant UVA and UVB sun protection. The self-dispensing powder brush makes this sheer formula easy to apply and reapply throughout the day.

Tattoos are beautiful ways of artistry and self-expression, but if you’ve always wanted to try laser hair removal, you’ll want to consider the consequences if you do one before the other.

Mention this post and you’ll receive 50% off your next laser hair removal treatment! 

Questions for our medical estheticians about laser hair removal? Contact us! We’re happy to help.

In just a few short days, it’s time to celebrate the most important women in our lives: our moms. This Sunday, gift her something that will ensure she feels good from the inside out. At Urban Body Laser, we offer plenty of treatments perfect for celebrating her true beauty. Here are a few of our most popular Mother’s Day gift ideas.

Photorejuvenation Therapy
Whether to treat age spots, sun damage, or liver spots, our BBL™ Pigment Treatments has got mom covered. With its innovative BroadBand Light technology, it uses pulsed light to restore the appearance of skin to a youthful glow. The best part? Mom can pop by on her lunch hour and be out the door in just 15 minutes.

Skin Tightening
Every Mom has dealt with loose skin at some point, and typically the more kids you have, the harder it is to get it back to its original form. Collagen is a protein molecule that is found in the skin, responsible for elasticity. Unfortunately as we age, our collagen levels gradually decrease, causing wrinkles and fine lines. That’s where our Scion Profile comes in. This incredible machine actually stimulates collagen production by putting heat into the tissues to contract and tighten the skin. Typically our clients experience results in just two to six months of regular treatments – no painful surgery required.

The Pristine Precision Diamond Peel System will pamper mom with its gentle and non-invasive exfoliation techniques. By removing the outermost layer of dead skin cells, microdermabrasion will leave the treated area feeling smoother and evenly toned. This effective treatment made popular by celebrity moms like Gwenyth Paltrow and Madonna helps minimize fine lines, wrinkles, as well as discoloured and congested skin.

Dermal Roller
The Dermal Roller is a skincare tool that’s covered with tiny needles to stimulate collagen formation, creating microscopic trauma that lasts for a short period of time. These allow for products like moisturizers and serums to seep into the epidermis, nourishing the skin on a much deeper level. Definitely a must in your mom’s skincare regime!

You can never go wrong with luxury skincare and make-up, especially when it’s designed to not only make mom look great, but feel great as well. Colorescience is much different than any other make-up line because of their high quality, efficacious ingredients, luxury colores and formulations, convenience, and simplicity of use. It’s formulated to nourish the skin while also offering the benefits of make-up.You can find these incredible products (that our team swears by!) in our online store.

If you’re unsure which of these or our other treatments your mom will like, just purchase an Urban Body Laser gift card and let her decide which ones suits her needs. You’re welcome to book a free consultation and our medical estheticians can answer all of mom’s questions.
How are you celebrating Mother’s Day? Tag us on Instagram in a pic of you and your mom!

Although Valentine’s Day has come and gone, we don’t think the love-fest should stop – ever! While it’s important to always remind your partner how much you care about them, this same attention should be directed towards someone even more important: yourself.
We sat down with Janiece, Manager of Urban Body Laser in Vancouver, to learn how she cultivates self-love on a daily basis.
It’s so important to treat yourself with love, honour, respect, and a little indulgence! How do you spoil yourself?
Chocolate, of course. I also practice yoga and make sure I get lots of fresh air — rain or shine!

Where is your favourite getaway to relax, unwind, and enjoy some quality me-time? 
For me that’s Hawaii. There is something about the energy there that is so healing. I’ve traveled to many warm places and nothing heals me physically and emotionally like Hawaii does.

How do you cultivate self-love on a daily basis?
I try to spend my day full of grateful thoughts and appreciate everything and everyone that I love, including myself. It’s easy to let negative self-talk fester, which is why staying mindful of what you have and acceptance of who you are should be a daily practice.

What do you do that is just for you?
Staying positive is number one. I find that once you start thinking negatively about a situation, it’s like a trickle effect and seeps into every daily occurrence. I also make time to workout, which naturally releases endorphins, the hormone that gives you a feeling of euphoria. And I always make time to be silly and let loose, which is easy with my two little girls. We love singing and dancing around like no one is watching!

What can’t you live without?

My Husband and my two daughters.

When life gets hectic, how do you de-stress?

Even on days when life and work are packed with appointments and meetings, I always make time to practice yoga. That and my other indulgence, Young and the Restless. 🙂

How do you cultivate self-love? Tell us on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook!

Valentine’s Day Promotion: 20% off our new Colorescience Mineral Makeup!

Includes highlighter, bronzers, and blushes

Guys, listen up. February 14th is just a few sleeps away, and if you’re thinking of giving your girlfriend or wife the same last-minute bouquet from the grocery store, we urge you to gift her something she really wants this year.
Chances are that the woman in your life wears make-up everyday. So why not give her something that not only lasts, but she can make use of? At best, flowers last a week until they start to wilt, whereas high-quality make-up from Colorescience can lasts months even when applied daily.

Colorescience is a luxury cosmetics line that uses only high quality, efficacious ingredients. It’s versatile, easy to use, and won’t pollute your skin. We often see people with breakouts and irritations that are caused by the concealers and foundations they use, which are chalked full of harsh chemicals and fillers. That’s the difference between Colorescience and the cosmetics you buy at the drug store; it’s so pure and natural that it actually nourishes and protects your skin while offering the same coverage as regular make-up.
You could also buy her an Urban Body Laser gift card, that way she can choose which products she wants. To really score brownie points, schedule her a free consultation with our team!

We know it can be hard shopping for your significant other in general, let alone navigating make-up. So if you need help, feel free to stop by Urban Body Laser in Vancouver and our medical estheticians will help you pick the right products for your lady. You can also peruse our products by shopping online.
So take advantage of our Valentine’s Day special, and get 20% off Colorescience luxury cosmetics for the big day! To learn more, contact us.

After these past cold, dark months, we’re excited to say that Spring is just around the corner. The weather is warming up and the days are getting longer, which means we can shed the layers and start showing more skin! So if you’re still toying with the idea of laser hair removal, don’t wait any longer. In order to be smooth and hairless by summer, you better start your laser hair removal treatments now!

Laser hair removal is the best solution to rid of unwanted hair. Saying goodbye to shaving and waxing means you’ll no longer have to deal with razor burn, bumps, or ingrown hairs – forever.

While we can remove hair from virtually any part of your body, here are the most popular treatments for both the ladies and gents:
For Women:

  • Brazilian/ Bikini Ling
  • Bunny Tail
  • Underarms
  • Full Leg
  • Facial Hair

For Men:

While these are the most popular areas for men and women, practically any part of your body can be treated. Our medical estheticians customize the right treatments for you with our state-of-the-art technology, ensuring you have the best results. To learn more about our systems, we explain in this blog post.

So get ready to throw on your bikini or bare it all without a second thought of shaving! Contact us for a consultation.

Now that January is coming to a close, the resolutions made at the beginning of this month may now be starting to fizzle. However, that doesn’t mean you need to get down on yourself! We chatted with Channa, our Medical Esthetician at Urban Body Laser in Vancouver, and asked her to share some tips for making 2015 the best year yet.

Do you make New Year’s Resolutions?
I am actually a firm believer that the New Year is not the best time to start resolutions because I feel like everyone just makes them for the sake of making them. If you are fully committed to achieving a goal, today would be a great day to start, whether it is a Tuesday, Saturday, or in mid-July. However, I believe the New Year is a good reminder to recap and set your intention on how you want your year to be like.

Fitness and health are the top two resolutions that many people make. What are your tips for staying healthy in 2015?

In order to be healthier, you have to find balance. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Find what you enjoy and spend time doing that, whether if it’s whipping up new recipes or an awesome workout class. Being healthy should be a lifestyle change, so if you are doing something you don’t see yourself doing a year from now, don’t do it! For example, fad diets that ban carbs, low carbs, no fat, high protein – honestly, who can keep up anymore! This isn’t a realistic way to eat or live. These impossible standards and “rules” will only leave you feeling down when you can’t maintain them, so just don’t bother.

What are your tips for achieving your goals?
I find the best way to attain your goals is to tell everyone. If you keep them to yourself, chances are you are not holding yourself accountable. Besides, you might just surprise yourself with how supportive everyone may be. After all,” a goal without a plan is just a dream”.

Have questions for Channa, or want to share your tips for having the best year yet? Follow us on Instagram and tag us in your photos, or tweet us @urbanbodylaser

January is a great month to get started on this non-invasive treatment because you need to spend limited time in the sun between appointments (which is easy to do on the west coast!). Photofacials, or photorejuvenation, uses light technology that minimizes brown spots, sun damage, fine wrinkles, and enlarged pores. It significantly improves redness caused by rosacea and acne scarring while simultaneously smoothing skin’s texture. Plus photorejuvenation significantly reduces signs of aging. In fact, a study conducted at Stanford University proved that BBL light therapy can change the structure of DNA and actually reverse the signs of aging!

That’s what makes this treatment so unique; it not only erases skin damage, but it also improves your skin tone and overall feel.

An individual treatment takes about 15 minutes and usually requires four to six treatments in three-week increments. When you arrive, our medical estheticians will apply a cool gel to the surface of your skin and then move the light therapy device across the treatment area. Most people compare it to a warming sensation, like a light snap of a rubber band. The best part is that you can pop in on your lunch break and then get back to your busy day immediately after the treatment.

Many patients who suffer from acne have turned to photofacials and experienced incredible results. From mild to severe, BBL phototherapy can significantly reduce the redness associated with moderate and cystic conditions.

Whether it’s age spots, sun damage, or rosacea, the Urban Body Laser team can assess and customize a program based on your needs. Contact our medical estheticians for a free consultation!

Time really does fly by when you’re having fun. We can hardly believe it’s been 10 years since we opened our doors in Vancouver. Over the past decade, we’ve met some amazing people who have brought so much joy to our lives. From staff to clients, we’ve loved every second of it! Plus we’re always excited to bring in new changes, new services, and new products to our clients to ensure they continue to look and feel their best.

If you’ve been following us on Instagram, then you already have the inside scoop that we’re giving our office a facelift! But before we cover the walls, our team has left lasting inspiration that will be under the paint forever.

This Thursday, December 4th, come celebrate 10 years with us while also giving back to those in need during our Annual Coats for Kids Charity Event. We talked more about this important charity in our previous blog post, but if you’re one of the first 25 people to come to our event with donations, you will receive fabulous gift bags filled with all of our team’s favourite items! Plus everyone will be entered into a draw to win $200-$400 value product gift bags from  Colorescience and a $500 travel voucher!
The event takes place from 4pm to 8pm, and we’ll be serving plenty of drinks to cheers our 10th birthday with! RSVP by contacting us via email or phone: info@urbanbodylaser.com or 604-696-5506.
Keep up to date on our exciting new announcements and renovations by following us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

Winter Skin Care Tips

Have you noticed that your skin has become incredibly dry in the past few weeks? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Cooler temperatures always affect the moisture of your skin, especially on your face, hands, and feet. As a result, cracking, flaking, and redness are all side effects as winter weather sweeps in.

It also doesn’t help that as the temperature drops outside, we’re turning up the heat inside, which also causes the skin to dry out. Thankfully, the Urban Body Laser team has assembled their Winter Survival Kit so ensure your skin receives the tender loving care it deserves. Check out our top picks:

R3 Derma Organic Aloe Gel
We recommend using this in the morning and evening to regenerate the skin’s protective film, or any time after bathing, showering or shaving.

R3 Derma Revive Serum
This helps calm and soothe very dry skin with Konjac Root Extract. Our owner, Janiece, swears by it! In fact, she loves applying this to her hands and lips before bed.

R3 Derma Health Pro Products

R3 Derma Enrich Plus

This anti-aging hydrator is perfect for under your mineral makeup to leave you with not only a photo finish but also a silky feel. Can be used upon waking and/or before bed.

Colorescience Pep Up Gel
Give your skin a jumpstart every morning with this amplified Anti-Aging Serum. This collagen renewal treatment for face and neck is formulated with a 10-peptide blend to specifically target aging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. This radiance-boosting formula with deep hydration and advanced antioxidant support makes your skin look and feel younger. Light-reflecting pigments diminish imperfections, improve the appearance of redness, and brighten sallow tones.

Colorescience Pep Up Gel

R3 Derma Refresh Hydrating Mask
Maximize topical hydration and enhance your skin’s natural moisture barrier with this thirst quenching Mask which contains water based humectants that attract and bind moisture to the skin. Infused with powerful resilience-enhancing actives, this mask will provide immediate and long lasting hydration, skin will feel supremely nourished, refreshed, hydrated and balanced.

With this dream team in your corner, you won’t have to suffer from another season of chapped lips and cracked hands. Best of all, these are available at our clinic or on our online store! Though all of these products can be used on any age or skin type, there may be some that are better suited for you than others. If you need help deciphering which ones are best for you, contact our team any time, we are more than happy to help.

You may know that we’re on Facebook and Twitter, but did you know you can also connect with Urban Body Laser on Instagram? In fact, when we reach 200 followers, one of our lucky IG’ers will win a FREE YEAR of bikini laser treatments!

This couldn’t be a more perfect time to start laser hair removal, since depending on which of our 4 systems you use, you may need to be out of the sun for up to 30 day (which in this cold and rainy season you’ll have no issue with). Plus if you start now, you’ll be ready when bikini season hits next summer!

There are 3 phases of hair growth. Because only a percentage of hair at any given time is in the first phase of hair growth, multiple treatments are required. How it works is that our state-of-the-art hair removal systems target the pigment melanin, which is what gives hair its colour.  Dark hair has more melanin and therefore responds best to laser treatments. The darker the hair, the more effective the treatments are, so don’t worry that you’re hair will be ‘too thick’ or ‘too dark’ to treat; these are simply myths.

And guys, this contest isn’t just for the ladies, because we have signature treatment that’s solely for our male clients: Balls-n-All™. This treatment removes all of the hair on a male’s private parts, including the shaft and base of the penis, the testicles, the area between the anus and the testicles, as well as the area between the bum cheeks. However, if you still want a little fur down there, we can thin it out to suit your preference.

We love giving our followers an inside look at life at Urban Body Laser. From our four-legged-friends, summer boating trips, and #ThrowbackThursdays, get to know our team by following us on Instagram! Plus we always have weekly giveaway exclusively for our IG’ers. #winwin

Want to learn more about our laser hair removal treatments or have questions about our Instagram contest?  Give us a shout!

Though you may be packing away those bikinis in storage, we don’t want you to completely forget about summer. That’s because right now is the best time to get started on your laser hair removal treatments.
It’s a common misconception that laser only needs to be done when the weather requires barely-there clothing. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. We have four systems that treat areas like underarms, face, bikini line, legs, and our signature Balls-n-All™. Out of these machines, three of them require that you have zero sun exposure for one month, which makes ‘Raincouver’ the perfect place to be when you’re in between treatments.

There are three phases of hair growth. Though you may see dramatic results after the first phase, only a percentage of hair grows at any given time. That’s why multiple treatments are required. How it works is the laser penetrates deep into the hair shaft, heating up the follicle to stop it from functioning and prevent regrowth.

Think of yourself less than a year from now throwing on a bikini or tank top without panicking that you have embarrassing stubble. Trust us, life without razors is definitely worth the laser.

So stop procrastinating, and let’s make a plan! Contact us today to get started.

With every ending there is a new beginning, so as we wave farewell to summer, we say hello to a fresh new start. It’s during these times of transition that we like to set our intentions and goals for ourselves to accomplish. The team at Urban Body Laser has decided that Fall is all about feeling good. Check out a few ways we plan to ensure we’re at our very best this season.

1. Get pampered. Everyone needs a confidence boost from time to time, which is why having the right treatments and services to make us feel beautiful is so important.

2. Sleep. Without enough shut-eye, your skin, body, and mood are all negatively affected. It doesn’t help that long hours of darkness causes increased levels of melatonin (the sleep hormone) that make you feel sleepy in the day and restless at night. Therefore, we’re aiming to go to bed at the same time each evening — no matter how good that Netflix movie is.

3. Eat in-season. Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, apples, and pears are just some of the ultra-healthy foods that are in-season this time of year. When produce is at its peak, the flavor and nutritional content is also at its highest, making you feel good from the inside out.

4. Get Photorejuvenated. We all need a little photorejuvenation from time to time. With consistent treatments, this effective and non-invasive method can help fight acne, pigmentation, and vascular issues like rosacea, telangiectasia (“spider veins”), and red spots. Using pulsed light, it penetrates the skin to restore skin’s youthful, flawless appearance.
5. Stay active. Don’t let Fall weather turn you into a couch potato. The key to feeling good is staying active, so we plan to try at least one new workout this season. Whether it’s yoga, boxing, or hiking in North Vancouver, challenge yourself and get your body moving!

What’s your on Feel-Good-Fall list? Let us know!
To learn more about the services we listed, feel free to contact us for a consultation.

Photo Source: Foodtodo

It’s hard to believe that we’re approaching our last few days of summer. Just when we’re getting used to weekly beach sessions and leaving our sweaters at home, Labour Day Long Weekend is already upon us. So to make bidding farewell a little less somber, the Urban Body Laser team have a September promotion that will make you cheering for the new month ahead.

Our Skin Tightening treatment uses broad band light to reduce one’s appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. How it works is that it stimulates collagen production by putting heat into the tissues, causing them to contract and tighten. Collagen is a protein molecule that is found in the skin and provides basic structural support. With age, collagen is gradually lost causing deterioration and deflation in the form of facial lines, sagging, and wrinkles.

While virtually painless, you may experience a warm, tingling sensation, causing redness after the treatment. That’s where the Colorescience application comes in. If you haven’t heard of this luxury make-up line, this is unlike anything you’ll find in a drug store or make-up counter. It’s the only type of makeup our medical estheticians will use.

Take a look at the before and after of this Skin Tightening and Colorescience combination:

Whether it’s your birthday, anniversary, or you just want to turn heads during a night out, this combination of Skin Tightening and Colorescience will stop people in their tracks. It’s also a great gift giving the person you love a little pampering.
Have questions? Book an appointment!

Starting any new cosmetic procedure can be intimidating, so we often meet with people who are interested in receiving laser hair removal for a consultation to answer their questions and clear away any jitters or concerns. Most of the questions they ask include how long the treatments take, what kind of results they can see, and overall cost. While these are all important questions, there’s something else that we often add to the consultation to prep the first-timers.

Committing to a customized program requires more than just coming to your appointments. While hair loss is our primary goal, you also have to think about taking care of your skin before and after treatments.

Do clients have to buy the products?
No one is required to buy the products. However, they usually do after we show them a picture of what could happen if they don’t.

picture of a man's back with red, inflamed follicles

This is folliculitis (inflammation of the follicle). This gentleman came in and had one side of his back treated, and the next day came in for the other. He didn’t use his pre/post care, and as a result his skin suffered the consequences.

Yikes! So what are the pre and post treatments people should be doing?
We highly recommend two products: R3 Derma Cleanse and R3 Derma Aloe, both by R3Derma.

How long/often should people use them?
3 days before and 3 days post treatment. Once in the morning and once before bed.

Why are these products so important? What do they do for the skin?
We want our client’s skin to be in what we call a ‘peak state.’  This means properly PH balanced with R3 Derma Cleanse and properly hydrated with R3 Derma Aloe.

R3 Derma Cleanse is an exfoliating cream cleanser that revitalizes skin while removing daily residue, makeup and oil which can dull a vibrant appearance. Alpha hydroxy-rich Fruit and Sugar-cane derived Acids help keep pores clear while encouraging cellular turnover and renewal.

R3 Derma Aloe gel is a clinical strength formula used in some of the medi-spas; The organic aloe vera and essential oils allow you to hydrate, heal and nourish skin using the best ingredients Mother Nature has to offer.

Both of these products are free of fillers so a little goes along way.  They are also Paraben free and made in Canada.

Do you have a question for our medical estheticians? Feel free to contact us about this or any other of our services, we’re happy to meet with you!

It’s one of our favourite times in Vancouver, Pride Week! We love how it draws people together to celebrate who they are and whatever lifestyle they choose to lead. Not to mention it’s an awesome party!
Vancouver Pride Week serves as a great reminder to be happy with who we are. Working in the beauty and health industry, day after day we meet people who are embarrassed or even ashamed of their appearance. That’s why we take such pride in what we do, as we see our clients’ confidence and self-esteem levels go from 0 to 100 after their treatments. This is especially the case after two of our services in particular: laser hair removal and photorejuvenation.
Our culture loves the look of smooth, sleek, and hairless skin. So when you’re genetically predisposed to have thick, coarse hair in areas that you’d rather not, it’s bound to cause some embarrassment. When our clients see dramatic hair loss after just one appointment, you can almost feel their confidence levels go up. Now they’re wearing tank tops, bikinis, and short-shorts without thinking twice.

Photorejuvenation is also an effective way to restore the skin – and self-esteem. With consistent treatments prescribed by our medical estheticians, it’s an effective and non-invasive method of fighting acne, pigmentation, and vascular issues like rosacea, telangiectasia (“spider veins”), and red spots. Using pulsed light, it penetrates the skin to restore skin’s youthful, flawless appearance.
Life is too short to be unhappy, so start taking pride in who you are and what you have to offer. Remember: real beauty comes from within!
Will you be taking part in Pride Week? Tag us on Instagram and share your pride-ful photos with us!
If you want to learn more about these or other services we offer, feel free to contact us for a free consultation.

Photo sources: Global News, insidevancouver.ca

Just like the latest diet craze, skin care products and beauty treatments get a lot of hype. Though we constantly see blogs, tweets, and general buzz about ways to take care of your appearance, there are a few we’ve been hearing lately that are simply not true. So we’re debunking three common skincare myths to set the record straight!
Myth #1: You only need to wear sunscreen when it’s sunny.

Wrong! Whether or not it’s sunny, any time you step outside you should be wearing sunscreen because 80% of the sun damaging rays can penetrate through clouds. There are two types of the sun’s rays that reach the earth: UVB and UVA. UVB causes immediate damage to your skin, and is responsible for the visible burn or tan you get from sun exposure. UVA rays are what age your skin and are able to reach you through clouds, smog, or even through a window. This picture of a truck driver shows how badly the sun has aged one side of his face that continually exposed to sunlight.
Now that you know you need to wear sunscreen, please don’t go buying the first brand you see at the drugstore. We wrote this blog post that explained the difference between chemical and physical sunblock. To find out which product will give you the best protection, contact our medical estheticians for a free consultation, or peruse our products online.
Myth 2: Scrubbing your face is just as effective as microdermabrasion.
You simply can’t compare the two. For starters, our state-of-the-art Pristine Precision Diamond Peel machine does much more than just exfoliate. By gently removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, it helps smooth skin’s texture, decreases the appearance of scarring and pore size, and reduces surface pigmentation. Over time, it can also reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles and even soften the appearance of scars when used with a proper maintenance program designed by our medical estheticians.
At home kits and scrubs will never achieve the same level of results as the Microdermabrasion treatments we offer at Urban Body Laser. Plus, many are too abrasive and actually irritate the skin, creating more skin issues.
Myth 3: All mineral make up is the same.

No, they’re not. Unfortunately many make-up companies use a lot of fillers in their products and then simply “throw in” some minerals, falsely calling themselves a mineral make-up line.
A true mineral line like Colorescience Pro is basically an extension of your skin care. In other words, it’s a treatment cosmetic. Not only does it give the coverage you want from make-up but it also nourishes your epidermis like skincare. Clever marketing makes it easy to get confused over which products are actually good for you and which are not. That’s why we always emphasize the importance of reading ingredients on labels before buying mineral make-up.
If you have already purchased products and are wondering if they contain harmful chemical or fillers, feel free to bring them to us and we’ll take a look!
Are you curious about other skin care myths that you’d like us to answer? Tweet us or send an email, we’re happy to share our expertise and debunk other myths!

Let’s face it; personal grooming is no longer an essential activity for just women. Men are also expected to be trim and smooth ‘down there’, but remembering to shave your private areas can easily slip many guys minds. Plus common side effects like itchiness, stubble, and ingrown hairs can cause pain, discomfort, and embarrassment. That’s why we created our signature treatment specially formulated for men: Balls-n-All™

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This treatment removes all hair on a male’s private parts, including the shaft and base of the penis, the testicles, the area between the anus and the testicles, as well as the area between the bum cheeks. Clients love the feel and look of their smooth body parts, let alone the freedom of never having to pick up a razor again. Plus if you have piercings or tattoos, consistent laser hair removal treatments mean that you’ll no longer have to shave around them.

Essentially as soon as the process starts, you will no longer have to deal with hard, rough stubble. This is because the hair that does return in between sessions is softer and finer. If you’re unfamiliar with how laser hair removal works, we’re happy to talk you through it.

Balls-n-All™: How it Works

The laser targets the pigment melanin, which is what gives hair its colour. As the laser penetrates deep into the hair shaft, it heats the follicle long enough to stop it functioning and prevent re-growth. There are 3 stages of hair growth, so multiple treatments are needed to remove them all effectively. And incase it was on your mind, the answer is no, laser hair removal will not interfere with erections or appearance. In fact, it does quite the opposite.

Besides just a smooth finish, many clients tell us they feel better and bigger, and that becoming permanently hairless has actually enhanced their sexual experience. To learn about cost, duration of treatment, and number of treatments of Balls-n-All™, contact our medical estheticians for a free consultation.

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You may have noticed more advertisements and buzz around serums. A relatively new product in the skincare market, serums are gaining a loyal following for many reasons. However, we find many clients are confused over why, when, and how to use them.

A common misconception is that serums can replace moisturizers. This is completely false as they both have very different purposes. Facial creams have been around for a long time and are still the most popular form of skin care. They’re a vital component to any skin care regime and should never be replaced with serums or any other products. They’re typically made by mixing oil with water and are primarily meant to hydrate the skin.

Serums, on the other hand, are a concentrated way to get key ingredients into the skin. The main reason you’d want to use a facial serum is to get added nutrients into deeper layers of your skin that a regular moisturizer is not able to reach. The junction between the two main layers of our skin (epidermis and dermis) is extremely hard to penetrate. While this is a good thing because it protects our skin, it also means it’s difficult to get the active ingredients into the depths of your skin where it is needed.

This is why you need a serum with an effective delivery system. So before you purchase one, make sure that it has a delivery system for those active ingredients to properly penetrate into the deep layer of your skin. Otherwise you’ll be wasting your money.

All of the serums we offer at our office and online store have this essential liposomal delivery system, which means you can treat and correct any skin ailments that you may be experiencing. For example, the R3 Derma Soothe Serum is an all-natural product; R3 Derma’s Remedy for rosacea reduces and reduces redness while restoring the protective barrier. It also reduces scarring, minimizes the visibility of capillaries, and rebuilds the thinned epidermis.

Other common skin conditions that serums can help treat are acne and pigmentation. To apply, you can either add 1-2 drops/pumps to in the morning and night to your entire face or you can use as a spot treatment. You can find both serums from the R3 Derma line in our online store.

Serums are excellent for anti-aging. This Anti-Aging Serum in particular has a 10-peptide blend that specifically targets aging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. Our staff love this product because it gives your skin an instant boost, diminishing imperfections and improving the appearance of any redness almost immediately.

As you can tell, serums can be extremely beneficial for the skin and a vital component to a youthful, radiant, and flawless complexion. But before you invest in a serum, it’s best to contact our medical estheticians to find which one is right for you.

Do you have your wedding preparations organized?

Summer is fast approaching, which means wedding season is about to begin. For those of you about to say ‘I do’, the last few weeks can be an incredibly stressful time as you try to coordinate the venue, catering, visitors, décor, stags, stagettes…the list goes on and on. Often brides and grooms forget to factor in a crucial step in the nuptial process: their skin.

If you haven’t started your skincare prep, don’t worry, there’s still enough time to schedule a few appointments in order to get yourself in photo-ready shape. Here are a few of Urban Body Laser’s must-do’s to saying “I do.”

Laser Hair Removal
Brides often find the last few days leading up to the wedding the most stressful. With so much to do, how nice would it be to know that you didn’t have to shave your underarms, legs, or get a Brazilian wax? There’s a reason more and more people are turning to laser hair removal: it works. Though it takes a series of treatments for hair to be completely gone, often our clients see incredible results after just one or two appointments. If you grow thick hair on your underarms, legs, or pubic area, the hair that grows back is much thinner and sparing after just one treatment. And for fellas, we know your future wife will definitely appreciate our signature Balls-n-All™.

Skin Tightening and Microdermabrasion
Every bride and groom wants flawless, radiant skin on their big day. In order to achieve this, we highly recommend 3 or 4 treatments of skin tightening combined with microdermabrasion. Clean pores are key to ensuring you don’t suffer from blemishes on your wedding day. Microdermabrasion removes clogged pores and cleans the outer layer of the skin. It’s incredibly effective to reduce ingrown hairs, discolored and congested skin, and even fine lines and wrinkles.
To achieve a glowing complexion, try skin tightening. This non-invasive method uses broad band light (BBL) to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It does this by stimulating collagen production, which is the protein that aids in the structural support of the skin and causes it to contract and tighten.

Colorescience Pro
If you buy most of your make-up in a drug store, chances are it is filled with so many chemicals and unnatural ingredients that it’s actually causing more damage to your skin. After receiving microdermabrasion and skin tightening, the last thing you want to do is pollute your epidermis with harmful products.

To enhance your natural beauty, Colorescience make-up is a-must. This luxurious line does more than just camouflage blemishes and discoloration; it actually helps to remedy it. Each product is designed to complement and blend together, allowing you to layer to achieve a flawless complexion. From foundations to lip gloss, this extensive line has plenty of options to match your needs and skin tone. Paired with our R3 Derma cleansers and moisturizers your skin will be ready to tie the knot.

While these are the most popular treatments for brides and grooms, we offer a wide variety of services that will help you get ready for the big day. Just keep in mind that many of these take at least a few sessions to really see results, so contact us as soon as possible to get started and get ready for the big day!