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Keeping New Year’s Resolutions

Ultimate Guide to Skincare

The start of a New Year always brings so much hope, excitement, and anticipation. January 1st marks a clean slate when many people resolve to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and accomplish all of those things they’ve always wanted to do.

So now that January is almost over, we have to ask: how are those resolutions coming along?

If you’re having a hard time staying on track, you’re not alone: only 19% of people who make resolutions actually stick to them two years later. Often it’s because their resolutions are too extreme. For example, cutting out all sugar, alcohol, and carbs may seem doable for the first week, even two, but a whole year? You’re bound to only set yourself up for failure. That’s why creating goals that are realistic and less extreme will help you stay on track.
Another reason people lose sight of their resolutions is because they tend to always put themselves last. When we first meet with a client, more often than not they tell us that microdermabrasion, laser hair removal, or any other treatments we offer are always something that they’ve wanted to do for themselves, but never made it a priority. Investing in your own health, beauty, and happiness is key to keeping motivated and accomplishing your goals. To ensure that you don’t fall into the 81%, here are a few tips to staying committed.

5 Ways to Keep New Year’s Resolutions

1. Know that you’re worth it. First and foremost, put your needs as equal or greater importance than anyone else. Make yourself a priority.

2. Make a list. Write down why these goals are important for you and how you’re going to feel once they’re accomplished. With everything going on in your life, it’s easy to get distracted, so keep these visible throughout the day so you’re constantly reminded of your resolutions.

3. Make a plan. Most people jot down their goals on a piece of paper and then quickly forget about them. To be apart of the 19%, figure out a plan of action and take the first step. For example, if you’ve always wanted to try microdermabrasion, contact us and set up a free consultation, then go from there. The same method can be applied to anything else you want to do, like take a night course or learn an instrument. The first step is making the call to those who can give you more information about your goal.

4. Reward yourself. Every time you finish something on your plan of action, treat yourself. It doesn’t have to be expensive or laden with calories. It can be as simple as buying a new magazine or sleeping in an extra 5 minutes.

5. Be accountable. Tell your friends, family, and partner what your goals are and ask them to keep you accountable. When you know other people are expecting you to accomplish something, you’ll be more likely to get it done.

If you’ve always wanted to improve your skin, try laser hair removal, or simply just learn what treatments we offer and how they can help, contact us (and then you can tick that off your list!).