Why You Should Consider Underarm Laser Hair Removal
Are you tired of embarrassing underarm hair or the constant ingrown hairs and “rashy armpits” that come with daily shaving? Then now is the perfect time to consider the underarm, armpit laser hair removal treatments at Urban Body Laser. Get smooth soft underarms for life!
What Does Laser Hair Removal Entail?
Laser hair removal is the most efficient and effective permanent hair removal option, and the most commonly done cosmetic procedure for the removal of unwanted body hair in North America. It involves the use of highly concentrated light beams targeted into the hair follicles to be absorbed by the hair’s pigment, consequently destroying the hair follicles within a series of treatments.
Why Laser Hair Removal is the Best Option for Underarm Hair
• Who hasn’t experienced that awkward situation where they step out in their favorite sleeveless dress or shirt only to realize, unfortunately too late that they forgot to shave their underarms! With underarm laser hair removal, you can now freely step into what ever fashion you feel most comfortable in without having to think twice about when you shaved last or exposing your underarm hair growth.
• Shaving your underarms frequently makes it exposed to cysts, ingrown hairs, razor burn, etc. Unlike laser hair removal where after a series of treatments your fuzz free for life, and after as little as one treatment growth dramatically slows down- meaning no more shaving!
• Underarm laser hair removal treatments reduce sweat and odors from under the arms dramatically, this is because as the hair reduces so does the built up odour inducing bacteria that lives in the hair follicles.
How does laser hair removal for underarms work?
After your consultation our technicians will recommend a treatment plan. Over the course of sessions, which are spaced farther and farther apart, the heat of the laser damages the hair follicle disabling the hair’s ability to regrow. The laser’s light travels through the hair shaft, disrupting and disabling the hair’s ability to grow back.
How many sessions of laser hair removal is needed for underarms?
Between 5-12 treatments is generally required for permanent hair removal, however it can vary from person to person so we always require our guests to first come in for a laser hair removal consultation.
How long do armpits laser hair removal treatments take?
The entire treatment takes about 30 seconds from start to finish.
Are underarm laser hair removal treatments painful?
Most of our guest report very minimal discomfort during treatments, however pain tolerance varies from person to person.
If you’re on medications that trigger photo sensitivity (like Accutane), — you might not be eligible for laser. If you’re pregnant, you’ll need to talk with your doctor before beginning treatment. We will go over all of this during your consultation to ensure the safest most effective treatment options available.
Urban Body Laser is one of Vancouver’s longest running and most trusted skin and laser clinics! We have hundreds of five star reviews and invest in the industry’s more innovative and highest quality equipment in order to provide world class results. Make no mistake all laser hair removal systems are NOT equal- less powerful machines and lasers mean less effective treatments.
We are conveniently located on the NW corner of Hornby and Robson at Suite 860 – 777 Hornby St., directly across the street from the Art Gallery building. You will find secure public parking in the Paramount Building, one block south on Hornby Street. We also share parking with Hotel Vancouver next door. When parking, please follow the sign that says “Office Tower Parking.”
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